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Using next-generation computers to envision a new future.

Nowadays, computers have become an indispensable part of human life. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it would be impossible to live our daily lives without computers. People's interest in computers, which have the power to transform human life, has become very large.

The news of quantum transcendence released by Google in 2019 went around the world. The world was shocked to learn that calculations that would take tens of thousands of years even with today's supercomputers could be solved in a few minutes with a quantum computer. This news made people aware of the arrival of the "next generation computer," which will be far superior to current computers, and strongly impressed upon the people of the world that "something extraordinary is happening now.

It is not only quantum computers. Quantum sensors and quantum communication technologies have also made remarkable progress, and we are now in an era in which "quantum" technologies are bringing about "extraordinary innovations" in various social infrastructure technologies, such as advanced and deep measurements that were not possible with conventional methods, secure communications that cannot be intercepted, and quantum cryptography.

It is true that quantum technology is still in its infancy. In this context, we are steadily developing algorithms and software to maximize the performance of quantum computers, as well as research and development of quantum devices. Using quantum technology, we will envision a future where quantum computers can be used to address a variety of issues that have not been addressed by conventional technology. Furthermore, we will challenge new things that have never been done before with "quantum" technology, and provide new services that have never been done before, without being bound by conventional boundaries.


Using next-generation computers to envision a new future.

Nowadays, computers have become an indispensable part of human life. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it would be impossible to live our daily lives without computers. People's interest in computers, which have the power to transform human life, has become very large.

The news of quantum transcendence released by Google in 2019 went around the world. The world was shocked to learn that calculations that would take tens of thousands of years even with today's supercomputers could be solved in a few minutes with a quantum computer. This news made people aware of the arrival of the "next generation computer," which will be far superior to current computers, and strongly impressed upon the people of the world that "something extraordinary is happening now.

It is not only quantum computers. Quantum sensors and quantum communication technologies have also made remarkable progress, and we are now in an era in which "quantum" technologies are bringing about "extraordinary innovations" in various social infrastructure technologies, such as advanced and deep measurements that were not possible with conventional methods, secure communications that cannot be intercepted, and quantum cryptography.

It is true that quantum technology is still in its infancy. In this context, we are steadily developing algorithms and software to maximize the performance of quantum computers, as well as research and development of quantum devices. Using quantum technology, we will envision a future where quantum computers can be used to address a variety of issues that have not been addressed by conventional technology. Furthermore, we will challenge new things that have never been done before with "quantum" technology, and provide new services that have never been done before, without being bound by conventional boundaries.


Using next-generation computers to envision a new future.

Nowadays, computers have become an indispensable part of human life. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it would be impossible to live our daily lives without computers. People's interest in computers, which have the power to transform human life, has become very large.

The news of quantum transcendence released by Google in 2019 went around the world. The world was shocked to learn that calculations that would take tens of thousands of years even with today's supercomputers could be solved in a few minutes with a quantum computer. This news made people aware of the arrival of the "next generation computer," which will be far superior to current computers, and strongly impressed upon the people of the world that "something extraordinary is happening now.

It is not only quantum computers. Quantum sensors and quantum communication technologies have also made remarkable progress, and we are now in an era in which "quantum" technologies are bringing about "extraordinary innovations" in various social infrastructure technologies, such as advanced and deep measurements that were not possible with conventional methods, secure communications that cannot be intercepted, and quantum cryptography.

It is true that quantum technology is still in its infancy. In this context, we are steadily developing algorithms and software to maximize the performance of quantum computers, as well as research and development of quantum devices. Using quantum technology, we will envision a future where quantum computers can be used to address a variety of issues that have not been addressed by conventional technology. Furthermore, we will challenge new things that have never been done before with "quantum" technology, and provide new services that have never been done before, without being bound by conventional boundaries.

​Our CEO

Yu-ichiro Matsushita, Ph. D.

President & CEO

After receiving his PhD from the University of Tokyo, Yu-ichiro worked as a researcher at the Max-Planck Institute (Germany), an assistant professor at the University of Tokyo, a specially-appointed lecturer at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (currently Institute of Science Tokyo), and a specially-appointed associate professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (currently Institute of Science Tokyo) before assuming his current position.

He is also a member of the post-"K computer" project and  also served as the working group leader for recommendations to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) regarding computational materials science for the post-Fugaku era.

[Current Position]

​Project Associate Professor, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo

Specially Appointed Associate Professor, Institute of Integrated Research, Science Tokyo 

Project Chief , Quantum Materials Theory Project, National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST)

At SQAI, U-Tokyo, U-Keio, RIKEN, U-Chicago, along with Kawasaki City and numerous participating companies, collaborate in a public-private-academic partnership to advance R&D toward the societal implementation of quantum AI technology.

QST is a research institution with the second largest number of cited papers in the world (first in Japan) in the quantum sensor field. Matsushita is involved in quantum sensor research and development as the project chief of the quantum materials theory project.

Matsushita's research consortia

Junichi Iwata

Product Development

After obtaining his doctorate in science from the University of Tsukuba, he worked as a researcher at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, an assistant professor at the University of Tsukuba, a specially appointed lecturer at the University of Tokyo, and a director of a computational science and technology company center before joining Quemix. Responsible for the development of the cloud-based materials calculation platform "Quloud." Received the 2011 ACM Gordon Bell Award-Peak Performance Award for first-principles calculations of Si nanowires using a model with over 100,000 atoms using the K supercomputer.

Taichi Kosugi

Research and Development

After obtaining his doctorate in science from the University of Tokyo, he worked as a researcher at the University of Tokyo, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, RIKEN, and Tokyo Institute of Technology (currently Institute of Science Tokyo) before joining Quemix.

Hirofumi Nishi

Research and Development

After obtaining a master's degree from the University of Tokyo, he worked for a major semiconductor manufacturer before joining Quemix.

Yusuke Nishiya

Research and Development / Product Development 

After obtaining a master's degree from the University of Tokyo, joined Quemix after working as a researcher at Tokyo Institute of Technology (currently Institute of Science Tokyo).

Susumu Kawauchi

Product Development

After obtaining a doctorate in engineering from Kyoto University, he became a researcher at Showa Denko, a dispatched researcher at the Institute of Basic Chemistry, an assistant, assistant professor, associate professor, and specially appointed professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (currently Institute of Science Tokyo), a specially appointed researcher at the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, and a visiting professor at Hiroshima University. After that, he joined Quemix.

Gekko Budiutama

Research and Development

After earning a bachelor's degree from Tohoku University and a doctorate in engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology (currently Institute of Science Tokyo), he joined Quemix.

Xinchi Huang

Research and Development

After obtaining his doctorate in mathematical sciences from the University of Tokyo, he joined Quemix after serving as a specially appointed researcher at the University of Tokyo and a special foreign researcher at the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

Our Team​


Ryosuke Akashi

After obtaining his doctorate (engineering) from the University of Tokyo, he worked as a special researcher at RIKEN and an assistant professor at the University of Tokyo, and is currently a principal researcher at the National Institute for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology.

Syunsuke Daimon

After obtaining his Ph.D. (Science) from Tohoku University, he worked as an assistant professor at the University of Tokyo, and is currently a senior researcher at the National Institute for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology.

Let's shape a unique future together!


We are currently advancing the development of algorithms and software to harness the full potential of quantum computers, alongside our research and development of quantum sensors. By leveraging quantum technology, we aim to solve challenges that were previously insurmountable and pave the way for the future. Our commitment is to push beyond conventional limits, exploring new possibilities with quantum technology and delivering innovative services like never before. For our customers, we pledge to continuously refine our expertise and remain at the forefront of technological advancement.

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