Products and Services
Quemix provides support programs for incorporating quantum technology into your company's systems and applications, which are anticipated to arrive in the coming years. Additionally, we offer a cloud-based materials computation platform in the field of advanced materials computation, as well as contract analysis and computational services for materials computation conducted by our research team with specialized expertise.

In anticipation of the forthcoming era of quantum technology utilization, we are here to assist you in developing quantum algorithms tailored to your company's technical challenges. Furthermore, leveraging our intellectual property, cutting-edge research insights, and expertise cultivated through technology development, we offer consulting, education, talent development, and technology provision services related to quantum computers, quantum sensors, and other quantum technologies. We need people with sufficient knowledge to fully utilize quantum technology. Through the parallel advancement of our experience, knowledge, and expertise in quantum algorithm development, your understanding of quantum computing and quantum algorithm development will deepen, leading to concrete project formations and internal talent development within your company.
Quantum Technology Support Program

"Quloud" is a cloud-based materials computation platform that provides access to leading materials computation software such as RSDFT, OpenMX, PIMD, LAMPS, Quantum ESPRESSO, as well as "Quloud-Mag," an original magnetic materials simulation software developed by Quemix. Users can access these software tools directly through a web browser. Quloud offers a user-friendly interface that integrates modeling, simulation, and analysis, supporting the development of even more advanced materials that have yet to be discovered.
Cloud-based Materials Computation Platform "Quloud"

n materials development, the importance of materials simulation is increasing day by day. Quemix has a team of researchers with extensive experience and expertise in materials simulation in both industrial and academic sectors. We offer support and consulting services for conducting materials simulation in the development of inorganic and organic materials, leveraging our accumulated knowledge and track record. Additionally, we are available to discuss materials computation training programs to enhance your own materials computational skills.